Political Resources.
Check your voter registration status at vote411.org.
Find your polling place and hours here at vote.org.
Find out which district represents you with the voting plan tool at vote411.org.
PACs, or political action committees, often put out lists of candidates that they support because they align with the PAC’s major issues. These PACs all support abortion access.
Planned Parenthood - PP technically is broken down into smaller local affiliates. You can choose your state at the link above, and see if your local PP political action group is up to.
EMILY’s List - this PAC primarily focuses on federal and gubernatorial (governor) races. You can check which candidates they support in your state at the link above.
Vote Pro-Choice - this group keeps a pretty comprehensive list of candidates across the country who are dedicated to supporting choice. *Make sure to use the link above for the correct website - the anti-choice group Focus on the Family has purchased the voteprochoice.com domain and it now redirects to their website.
One of the most common barriers for people to vote is access - specifically, getting to the polls. If you’re worried about transportation on Election Day, here are a few options that could help:
Uber will be adding a “Go Vote!” tile in the Uber app that will show different promotions for voters, including 50% off trips to their polling place (up to $10) and help finding the nearest polling place.
LYFT is offering 50% off rides to the polls on Election Day using the code VOTE24
Rideshare2Vote is helping organize rides to the polls for voters in need. You can reserve your ride directly through their website.
Check with your local transit authority - several cities are waiving public transit fees on Election Day.
Lime is offering free rides to vote early starting on Vote Early Day (10/29) and running through Election Day (11/5). Lime scooters and e-bikes will be available for free using the code VOTE2024
NAACP is offering up to $40 off your ride to and from the polls between now and Election Day using the code NAACPVOTE24.
This upcoming election looks to be one of the most contentious that Americans have ever experienced. If you run into any issues at the polls, know that you’ve got support!
Election Protection has a reporting hotline for voters experiencing any issues trying to vote. Their hotline numbers are listed below, with the coalition partner for that specific number:
English: 866-OUR-VOTE – Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Spanish/English: 888-VE-Y-VOTA – NALEO Educational Fund
Arabic/English: 844-YALLA-US – Arab American Institute (AAI)
Asian Languages/English: 888-API-VOTE – APIAVote & Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC)
Let’s be real: we all love free stuff. Be sure to keep an eye out in your area for local stores and restaurants offering discounts or freebies on Election Day. Here are a few incentives being offered this year on Election Day:
Krispy Kreme: Get a free glazed donut from participating locations
Uber Eats: 25% off, up to $15, on orders with a minimum of $25
Dave & Buster’s: Guests will receive 50% off games, $5 beers, $5 late-night bites and $19.99 Eat, Drink, Play Combo Meals on Election Day